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Category: Start / Universities & Technical Institutes (UTI)

This section let's you link directly to some of the most significant Schools, Universities & Technical Institutes. The list is by no means exhaustive and no endorsment is implied.
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California State University Fresno (CSUF)  Popular

Rural university with excellent departments to major in a wide variety of subjects. Particularly recommended for Agriculture, Food Science and Enology (English).
Added on: 10-May-2003 | hits: 1598
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Food Safety Network  Popular

The Food Safety Network (FSN) at the University of Guelph provides research, commentary, policy evaluation and public information on food safety issues. A national repository of food safety-related information, FSN offers consumer, student and industry outreach services, information research, on-line resources, collaborative projects, evaluation and analysis, and a capacity to address current and emerging food safety concerns (English, Français).
Added on: 02-Apr-2006 | hits: 1532
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HACCP Certification: University of Salford  Popular

The first postgraduate web based distance learning MSc in Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) in Europe. This course is run by the School of Leisure, Hospitality and Food Management at the University of Salford in the UK (English).
Added on: 24-May-2003 | hits: 1711
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Massey University of New Zeland  Popular

Official site of the Massey University of New Zeland. Let's you connect to the campuses of Auckland, Palmerston North and Wellington. Known, among others, for the Institute for Food Nutrition & Human Health at Palmerston North (English).
Added on: 19-May-2003 | hits: 1515
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Michigan State University: Professional Master of Science in Food Safety  Popular

Online Professional Master of Science in Food Safety Program. The Professional Master of Science in Food Safety web-based program is designed for students to enhance their study of food safety. The master of science is offered by the College of Veterinary Medicine, the lead college for the National Food Safety and Toxicology Center (NFSTC) at Michigan State University. The integrated multi-disciplinary program is designed for a diverse student body with assorted disciplinary interest and experience and will offer graduates professional careers at the interface of research, regulatory affairs, production, marketing, finance, and management without leaving their place of employment. (English).
Added on: 09-Aug-2004 | hits: 1733
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NC State University Food Safety Certification Program  Popular

The following online courses are offered by The Department of Food Science in a two tiered approach, each leading to a Certificate in Food Safety. Courses may be taken on an individual basis without plans for completing all of them to receive a certificate. Please contact us to find out how we can best meet your individual and companies needs for anytime, anyplace, food safety training. Tier 1: HACCP Coordinator Certificate, Tier 2: Food Safety Management Certificate. (English).
Added on: 09-Aug-2004 | hits: 1547
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Switzerland: Ticino: Laboratorio Cantonale (Italiano)  Popular

Da questo punto posso contattare sia il laboratorio Cantonale e gli altri servizi: Ufficio del veterinario cantonale, Ufficio del medico cantonale, Ufficio del farmacista cantonale, Istituto cantonale di microbiologia, Sezione della protezione dell'aria e dell'acqua, Sezione dei permessi e dell'immigrazione e l' Istituto di scienze della terra (Italiano).
Added on: 16-May-2003 | hits: 1451
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The American Institute of Baking  Popular

The American Institute of Baking is a not-for-profit corporation, founded by the North American wholesale and retail baking industries in 1919 as a technology transfer center for bakers and food processors. The original mission of the organization was to "put science to work for the baker," and that basic theme is still central to all of the programs, products, and services provided by AIB to baking and general food production industries worldwide. (English, Español, Français).
Added on: 13-Aug-2004 | hits: 2378
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The California State University Headquartes (CSU)  Popular

An integrated academic system with 23 campuses, 407,000 students, 44,000 faculty and staff. The California State University system is in the business of growth through teaching and learning, and generates ideas and accomplishments that shapes economy and culture. Good place to start to look for both undergraduate and graduate schools (English).
Added on: 10-May-2003 | hits: 1661
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Virtual Classroom: Program for Food Safety and Quality  Popular

Virtual Classroom from the University of Arkansas, Bumpers College, Fayetteville. Program for Food Safety and Quality Certification. Offers distance learning as HACCP Coordinator, Food Safety Manager, as well as electives classes in the fields of Negotiation/Crisis Management, Risk Analysis for Biological Systems, Food Chemistry, SSOPs & SOPs/GMPs: (English).
Added on: 26-May-2003 | hits: 1390
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