Feb 15, 2025 - 06:07 AM
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Main link categories

  Applied & Environmental Microbiology (AEM) (7) 

Food sciences generate by products that requires the know how of applied and environmental microbiology to protect the environment and also to generate renewable resources.

  Biotechnology's Food (BTF) (11) 

This is the section about Biotech Food , for someone it's the future, for others is Frankenstein Food. Find out for yourself and then make up your own opinion.

  Consumers Associations (ICA) (4) 

From this section you can contact several consumers associations world wide. We strongly feel the necessity to receive inputs and constructive criticism from the consumers associations as an integral part of our quality assessment and management.

  Environmental Protection (EPR) (4) 

This section gives a number of leads to the official resources relating to the environmental protection's laws and regulations, air, soil, water, biological analytical methods, scientific studies, discussion groups and other resources suitable to all ages.

  Ethnics Foods & Herbs (NAF) (3) 

This section links to some private and public institutional sites concerned with Ethnics Foods & Herbs from native American and other new and old world's traditions: plants cultivation, gathering basic research and recepies.

  Food Allergies & Intolerances (A&I) (10) 

This section links to web resources regarding food allergies and intolerances. Particular attention is given to celiac disease and lactase deficiency but also to other "other" known food allergens coming from both natural and man made sources.

  Food Consulting Firms (FCF) (16) 

This section linsk directly to a few International Consulting Firm we found on the world wide web. This list does not constitute in any manner an endorsment from our side.

  Food Ingredients & Technologies (I&T) (2) 

Food ingredients and technologies are listed who are compatible with our view of the world, without any explicit or implicit endorsment from our side.

  Food Safety Links (GOV) (11) 

This section let's you connect with the main governmental food safety links in different regions and area of the world.

  Food Toxicology (FTX) (13) 

This section is concerned with food toxicology arising from natural or man made sources. Links are provided for toxic animals, toxic plants, insects and toxic microorganisms.

  Health Education Resourses (EER) (6) 

This section leads to different official health education resources, health links and health information on the web. Please contact the webmaster if you have any pertinent suggestions to make.

  International Food Laws (IFL) (9) 

This section relates to international food laws and regulations with a general list of laws and regulations for a selected number of regions and countries of the world.

  Non Profit Organizations (NPO) (4) 

This section is dedicated to Non Profit Organizations, and especially to those who are more geared toward food and health. The list is subjective by no means exhaustive, and does not constitute in any manner, an endorsment from us.

  Our Dearest Partners (ODP) (4) 

There is no other way to say it: the most important asset, the continuous stimulus for improvement, the goal of our activities and the mere reason of our existance is only them: our dearest partners.

  Professional Trades Associations (PTA) (4) 

Links to some of the main Professional Trade Associations world wide. The list is by no means exhaustive, and does not constitute, in any manner, an endorsment from our side.

  Scientific Facts & Curiosities (F&C) (6) 

If you want to browse the Nobel Price awards, or if you need to know the biographies of the scientists, this section will help you in the search.

  Technical Search Engines (SDB) (8) 

Links to the world's best technical Search Engines relating to food sciences, food safety, food laws, patents, registred trade marks and other essential trade specific data bases and resources.

  The Gourmet Corner (TGC) (3) 

The Gourmet Corner is the place where science and alchemy fuse together in a complex mixtures of food recepies and pleasures for the senses and for the mind.

  Universities & Technical Institutes (UTI) (11) 

This section let's you link directly to some of the most significant Schools, Universities & Technical Institutes. The list is by no means exhaustive and no endorsment is implied.

  Water & Beverages (W&B) (5) 

This section is dedicated to water and beverages resourses, particularly as it relates to water safety proper beverages production and travelling tips.

There are 141 Links and 20 Categories in the database
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